Friday, December 21, 2012

No Products, just good ole' H20 seriously!

   Last night, after walking the mall for a few hours, I was exhausted and decided that I was not going to do anything to my hair, but put it in a ponytail, cover it with my satin bonnet, and go to bed. I woke up this morning and spritzed it with water, and kept it moving. When my Sisterlocks consultant said that I would not need any products for the daily maintenance of my hair except for a water bottle to spritz it with, I really didn't think that that was at all possible. I mean after all, even in my naturalist state, I wet my hair everyday, detangled it with conditioner, and saturated it with leave in Cantu Shea Butter conditioner, every single day. I was skeptical, but today makes one week since Day 1 of my install, and I have not put anything in my hair except for water. Now, that's pretty low maintenance!
    I know that my baby Sisterlocks have to transition and mature, and that what they look like now won't be what they look like a week, a month, or  even a year from now. They will triple in size,  and the ends will completely lock eventually... I hope. I guess the exciting part of this all is watching the transformation. I decided to begin this blog to truly capture the journey. Right now, I am on Christmas break  from my work as a teacher, and the demands of being in school to become an esthetician (Skin Care Specialist) so I have a lot of time to blog about my hair and post pictures. I will  not blog daily about my hair, because it is not changing that much from day to day, and let's face it, that would get pretty boring, like watching grass grow.  I will definitely try to post at least once a week, but definitely once a month.
  I am planning a few trips  to the City of Brotherly Love and the Big Apple, maybe I will do a little shopping and actually post in my F7 blog (Fabulous Fashion Finds For Full Figured Females.) Yeap, looks like I am definitely going to have to go shopping. I just got super excited about this ROAD TRIP!

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