Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Installation of My Sisterlocks Day 1, 2, and 3

DAY 1- Dec. 14, 2012....I have a feeling that this may take awhile.
  The installation of my sisterlocks began on Dec. 14, 2012 at 8:20 in the morning. I arrived at my Sisterlocks Consultant's house, Sharon Turner, with great anticipation of what was to come. Since, my initial consultation on Oct. 2, 2012, I had been counting down the days until this day, and I could not believe that it had finally come. After reviewing what size locks she would be installing, Sharon immediately went to work. During the first few hours of my installation, I was so excited. We talked and watched daytime television. The atmosphere was pretty relaxed, but was quickly interrupted by the catastrophic events of the day, the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut. Sharon and I were pretty intentional about not watching the news coverage that was taking place. We knew that what had taken place was pretty bad, but I guess we did not want to know how bad, so we watched movies on Netflix, stopping for lunch, and the occasional bathroom break.  
1st completed row of Sisterlocks

 Throughout the first day of the installation, I nodded here and there, only to wake up when I would feel my head quickly drop to the side or tilt backwards...lol! I was getting my power naps in as Sharon continued to work diligently on my hair. Sharon worked until she "hit a wall" and could not go any further. I really appreciated that she knew when she had reached that point. She did not push herself to go any further and risk compromising the quality of her installation. So on day 1, we finished around 8:00 pm ( I think).  Initially, Sharon believed that this would be a 2 day process (Friday and Saturday) and possibly a few hours on Sunday. At the conclusion of Day 1, she informed me that we would go all day Saturday, and would need about 8 hours on Sunday.  Being that I have a big head with lots of hair, and my hair is shoulder length, we knew the installation would take some time. We just were not sure of exactly how long it would take. Please know that if you are considering Sisterlocks,  how long it takes for them to be installed depends on factors such as hair texture, length, thickness, the desired size of your locks, etc.

After Day 1, I was already loving my sisterlocks and could not wait until my head was completely covered with these baby locks! Although getting sisterlocks did not hurt at all, my head was pounding when we finished on the first day. Sharon explained that it could have simply been because my hair and scalp were being manipulated in a manner in which they had never been before. Despite the pounding headache, when I got home I could not wait to show off my babies, and my family could not wait to see them.

This is how many were installed on Day 1,
which took about 12 hours.

DAY 1- Look how small! Keep in mind that as my baby locks mature, they will triple in size.

  Dec. 15, 2012, I arrived at Ms. Sharon's house around 8:15, and she went straight to working on my hair. I was much more rested on this day, so I did not catch myself nodding throughout the installation. This day was filled with wonderful conversation about God, spirituality, and religion. It confirmed for me what I sensed when I first meet Ms. Sharon in September, that she is a believer. It made for a very peaceful Day 2. Ms. Sharon talked about BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) with the same excitement that my sister who also attends BSF talks about it. If God willing, I will definitely attend BSF next year. Anyway, Ms. Sharon got a lot done on Day 2. She worked from 8:20 am to around 9:30 pm, stopping only for about 10 minutes to eat lunch, and use the restroom. At the conclusion of Day 2, Ms. Sharon informed me that she would need an additional 8 -10 hours to finish the installation on Day 3. Initially, Day 3 was scheduled just in case we need a little extra time to finish. We would definitely need additional time for my big head with lots of hair...lol!

Day 2

Day 2- This is how much Ms. Sharon finished on Day 2.
We decided on to install large Sisterlocks in the back
b/c have a big head and lots of hair...lol.

Day 2 is done...one more to go!

  Day 3- Dec. 16, 2012... I arrived at Ms. Sharon's around 8:15 prepared to be there until at least 6 pm. She immediately began the last day of installing my Sisterlocks.  We talked  and watched television. Ms. Sharon worked diligently, not even stopping to eat lunch on Day 3. At this point, I think she was ready to just "get 'er done." And "get 'er done" she did! On Day 3 at around 3:30, Ms. Sharon finished installing my Sisterlocks. I was happy to be finished, but not as happy as Ms. Sharon I'm sure! After 10 years of being a certified Sisterlocks Consultant, Ms. Sharon completed her longest installation ever... my big head with lots of hair was completed in 32 hours over 3 days. Shout out to the hardest working lady in the Sisterlocks business.... Sharon Turner you rock!

Day 3... All Finished!

A View of the Back

Lots of Little Locks

1st Night-
I slept in Bantu Knots to tame the ends of my Sisterlocks.

Spray with water and twist...
it really doesn't get any easier than this.

Dec. 17, 2012 Bantu Knots resulted in some serious curls.

I cut 15 minutes off of getting ready this morning,
 because all I had to do is undo the Bantu Knots!

I Am Loving My Sisterlocks!


  1. Are you still sisterlocked? I am thinking of contacting Ms. Turner to see if she would lock my hair. Yours came out great!

  2. Hello A. Marie! Yes, I am still locked and loving it. Definitely give Ms. Turner a call. She is such a wonderfully person with an awesome spirit! After meeting with her for my first consultation, I knew that she was who I wanted to lock my hair. I have NO regrets!

  3. Thank you for you documentation.I am set for consultation with Ms. turner next week. Your hair looks wonderful-If possible can you post updated pictures of your hair.

  4. hello! this post is super old but I am interested in knowing how long your locking process took. I started with long hair as well and I feel like a lot of my hair is out, was the sister lock technique done throughout or did she also do some 2 strand twist?

  5. Hey! Yes, the sister lock technique was done throughout my hair. I did not have 2 strand twist.
