Tuesday, March 11, 2014

8 months in, no major problems

Hey Guys! It's been a awhile since my last blog. What can I say? Life happens. The last few months have been crazy hectic on so many different levels. However, I'm close to eight months into my sisterlocks journey,  and I'm absolutely still loving them! Over the last eight months of this journey, I have experienced many emotions concerning my decision.  For the most part, watching my baby locks go through different changes has been exciting, but in recent months as my locks mature, I have been experiencing lots of "bunching." Bunching is when individual Sisterlocks get matted causing an inconsistent, traditional lock appearance. At this point in the journey,  the bunching is just  requiring me to do a little more than usual with my locks.  I have to go through in twist each lock to unwind them from their bunching state. While this is not anything I would truly like to spend time doing, it really isn't a difficult thing to do.  So eight months in,  and my only issue has been most recently,  with the bunching.

These pictures were taken on 10-30-13

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